Can This Dude Really Win Your Presidential Vote?

30 10 2008

Turning left to Obama-Biden, I see a son and his father on the same ticket. And to right McCain-Palin, I see a father with his daughter; or more appropriately a boss and his bespectacled personal assistant. Needless to say, these presidential running mates are the wackiest combos at best to aim for the highest office. To make it worst, the mainstream media had it all twisted by making this election looks like a race between Obama and Palin – living the two white-haired dudes – McCain and Biden – in the smoke.

Exactly six days to go, it looks like infinity to Obama while the days click like seconds for McCain. If the election were conducted today, the pollsters say the black-haired dude would pull it off big-time! Thus, there is a legitimate reason for the white-haired candidate to gasp for every breath of air which appears deflating rapidly. From the grand scheme of things, only ‘Bradley-effects’ could toss-up this election. Otherwise, Barack could pull a landslide. Well, opinion polls can be very flattery sometimes; people just tell you what you what to hear or whatever comes to their mind. You get the picture, given the fact that ‘Obama’ is arguably the hottest name of this decade. The question is: are these pollees would actually walk their talk? If yes, then Obama gets a done deal.

On the other hand, McCain who assumed an ‘underdog’ title despite his elongated experience and age is not highly favored in recent polling surveys. Notwithstanding underdog appeal could factor in to sway voters to the losing guy’s corner – perhaps out of sympathy. But McCain can’t just bank on that alone. To resurrect as a comeback-kid, this dude needs to scram his overused maverick blabs. Extremists, radicals, and loners are how some people view mavericks. Such characteristics could scare off would-be supporters.

In addition, McCain need to lam that tax-cut bullshits and ‘spreading the wealth’ rhetoric. Most Americans are no-fools. Intelligent voters could be insulted when politicians beat the taxcut drum. It is like saying hey, I’m buying your votes for few hundred$ bucks. So what happens after that? George Bush’s hyped tax-cut and that never insulated the economy from recession. Well, except you are “Joe the Plumber” who made a big deal about paying his civic dues, tax-cut is not going to dent a whole lot of different in one’s life. Paying taxes is a civil responsibility. So get over it. And nothing wrong in spreading the wealth either. It is good for average Americans as most make less than $250,000/yr; and these folks are the main voting block anyway. Actually redistributing wealth would stimulateth the economy rather confining it to the opulence top ten percent. BTW, tax policy is all about spreading the wealth to lower class; it’s been that way for centuries. Therefore, ‘SpredingTheWealth’ fear tactic now adopted by McCain camp could favor his opponent as the argument makes McCain more pro wealthy than middle/working class.

As for the VPs, Joe Biden has his own missteps but he seems to hold it well overall. Other side, everything about Sarah Palin is overblown: from her cloths/hair style to the messed up interview. All fault to McCain’s strategists who tried to remake a made-woman. Kathy Curic ain’t God. I think Palin would have dealt perfectly with the media on her own if there were no strategic restrictions from her handlers. To diffuse unfit-for-office syndrome, she needs to take off those glasses, which stereotypically make her looks less presidential. Most Americans would prefer glassless iron-like lady (think Thatcher!) in the oval office than a softy.

On a more personal note, I don’t know who gets my vote in this election. Both candidates have proven worthy of the highest post. Simply saying I’m voting Obama because I am Black! would be a racial understatement. Same goes to any white dude. As days go, so are the emotions and tensions running high. Eventhough it seemly all set for Obama while McCain people pray for ‘Bradley effect’, the votes that count most due on November 4th. Voters should weigh important issues and vote with their heads. Either way, there would be millions of heartbreaks by this time next week. It’s not going to be the end of the world. President McCain or President Obama would serve United Statesjudiciously. Every citizen’s acceptance of either president would be a support, for nation, which would go a long way.

Have a nice vote.

Sarah Palin: “Wild Life” Runs in the Family

11 09 2008

Sara Palin, Bristol Palin aka gunhead, boozehead. So much for the so called “hockey mum” who is accusing the media for pointing out her family flaws. C’mon hottie, you are running for the highest in the land. Holding public office means subjecting yourself to scrutiny. You can’t just put a pretty face-on and expect Americans’ vote just like that. Actually, one has to be skeptic of pretty faces because 8 out of 10, they would have some form of skeletons in their closet.

To attest to such instance, the media have done some job exposing some of the plaques on Sarah Palin’ cheerleader appearance. A lady who prides herself as a mom; can her family exemplifies American family value? Hell no!! Not her with gun-loving record and alcohol drinking household (as she is shown, inset with some pot-smoking dude in the back ground). BTW, I never knew they wear bikini in frigid cold Alaska. And daughter, Bristol, display guns and gulping spirit like juice. Oh yeah! They can blame that on the weather too. In this age, there are many things teenagers can do in their time than having sex, messing with gun, or being a boozehead.

It is remains to be seen how the deeds of a “wild child” would affect the VP candidacy of a mother. It could be okay for an average citizen to party like animal with bottles of alcohol on both hand.s More also it is cool for ‘gun right’ advocates to  showoff  their arsenal for friends to see. But this type of indulgent could be a serious concern if it’s involved elected public figures.

There has been political rhetoric of “keeping the kids out” of political jabs. But who is to blame when a republican presumptive VP Sarah Palin can not control her teenagers – encouraging “unprotected Sex” to  pregnancy? The family we’ve seen since her nomination is as cosmetic as Sarah’s ‘lipstick’ – on a pig? Maybe. It wouldn’t be a surprise if there are more skeletons than what we have seen so far. I can only imagine how she can lead this nation with a ‘morally dysfunctional‘  family in the Whitehouse.

Sarah’s Parodies Below

Dick Cheney Wants Another Fight After 2 Wars

11 08 2008

I thick some leaders need to take cue from Abraham Lincoln who said “I destroy my enemies when I make them my friends.” Mr. Tough Guy, VP Dick Cheney is beating another war drum. With unfinished wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, Cheney is talking tough about Georgian-Russian war which started last week. In a TV report yesterday, while President Bush made a softer tone that “we strongly condemn the bombing outside of South Ossetia, Dick Cheney said: “Russia’s military action against Georgia (in Europe) must not go unanswered.”

I think such a statement is undiplomatic and should not come from a guy who once avoided behind drafted to war. There are better ways to show solidarity for a country, not by bullying. As for the Russian, they have been put into the back-burner since the end of cold war while United States has been flexing military might all over the world. So a slight provocation gives the former Soviet Republic excuse to come back, a show of force to remind the world that Russia is a super power too, unfortunately at its neighbors’ peril.
(Picture above shows Russian tanks unit fired toward Georgia.)



Quote of the day:

“Force is all-conquering, but its victories are short-lived.” Abraham Lincoln

China Olympic Grammar Errors – Part 3

8 08 2008

China Welcomes Y’all for Coming!!. Today is 8/8/08. The long awaited Olympic just kicked off few minutes ago in China. But to our surprise, there are some serious issues that are still plaguing Chinese Olympic villages. Despite the fact that we have been sounding this warnings for months (see part 1 and part 2), it’s disappointing that COPO (Chinese Olympic Planning Organization) are not fully organized in their language skills.

Many public signs (examples below) erected are full of errors. Unfortunately, the world is in China now. Any attempt to remove these misleading signs now would bring more embarrassment. Since we don’t complain without giving solutions, we would suggest that English speaking visitors over there should help to correct or graffitize the errors, especially if you are from South Bronx like me.

Happy Olympic!

“We should have a great fewer disputes in the world if words were taken for what they are, the signs of our ideas only, and not for things themselves. ” —John Locke

PART 1: Is China Olympic Game Grammatically Ready?

PART 2: Is China Olympic Game Grammatically Ready?

Nancy Pelosi’s Book: A Feminist Hypocrisy at Best

5 08 2008

So Nancy is on a tour book. It is unbelievable that the same lady who shot down Hillary Clinton’s Whitehouse run is promoting a book that entitled “Know Your Power: A Message to America’s Daughters” ($23.95). I haven’t perused the book; needless to say I would not buy it because the content would appear hypocritical.

A lot have been said about “glass ceiling” for women. It is a common belief that it is still a men’s world out there. So, it is refreshing to see some women making it to the top of their career, especially in conventional men’s domain. Nevertheless, I think women are still their own worst enemies of progress. When some get to the top, they want to be the only conspicuous lady robbing shoulder with powerful men. That is the case of Nancy Pelosi, the first lady in U.S. history to be elected House Speaker.

Yeah! Nancy’s achievement is a big deal. And seeing any woman making similar history [for even more powerful position] could deflate her ego. She enjoys the respect and attention given to her as the lady-of-the-house. Had Hillary Clinton got the Democratic nomination, she too would have become [presumptive] most powerful lady in Washington/U.S., a title currently held by Pelosi. That is why Nancy supported Barack Obama for the nomination. So where is the so-called “feminist spirit”? With Obama in Whitehouse, it’s like a ‘strong lady and a wimp’ at the helm. Meaning Pelosi would be calling the shot for Democratic Party. With Iron-lady Hillary? Ah fogetaboutit! Pelosi wouldn’t stand a chance – as Hill takes bullshit from nobody.

With all the privilege and power, it is obvious Pelosi is having a blast in men-dominated world. So it is normal to act as a role model for other females to follow – but to share power with no other women. I can see another skilled politician (Nancy) at best. It is a known fact that most politicians don’t always mean what they say. Nancy Pelosi’s book-hawking parade is nothing but a “political marketing” and pretense. If she would have to be voted for again, so that some gullible voters would think: “Gee! She is lifting the bar for our daughters; let’s vote for her.”

My conclusive analogy would be Nancy Pelosi is just like some lady who sleeps with somebody else’s guy and turned around saying “all men are cheaters.” The fact of the matter is: men wouldn’t cheat on their lovers without the help of other women. Her book would say: girls, men are your problem; they are creating the glass-ceiling for you, they are limiting your career goals. You don’t have to let them.” Well, ladies you might find it very daunting to attain your ambition if you are in the same boat with ‘Nancy(s) Pelosi(s) of the world.’



“A feminist is a woman who does not allow anyone to think in her place.” — Michele Le Doeuff

Overprotective Dads Set Dating Rules For Daughters

25 07 2008

There are good reason for the words: “daddy’s little girl.” But the mantra can also become a burden for some grown girls. Many young ladies who have the privilege to have their father around can sometimes find it frustrating when their so-called Dads become nuisance to their relationships.

As parents, there should be a boundary to how nosy fathers can be to grown-up kids’ affair. Full monitoring is perfectly fine when kids are young but at college-age (17-up), I think parents should back off a little bit. Being overprotective or helicopter parents can backfire. Some kids would just rebel and start doing things contrary to what their parents want.

The father of American Idol star, Jordin Sparks (both inset), once said he would kill any guy who tries to date his 18 yrs old daughter. For such statement, I’d say he is an example of a jerky parent. He definately can’t be with his daughter 24/7.

The video below show another example of an over-zealot father setting the 9 rules for dating his daughter

Quote of the day: To a father growing gray [old], nothing is dearer than a daughter  — U.A.

Unwanted VA Beauty Becomes New York Queen

22 07 2008

This is a typical classic case of “one man’s garbage is another man’s treasure.” Obviously New York has good eyes for beauty than other cities in America. It is widespread seeing small-town hotties making it big, beyond their widest dream, after settling in New York. Leigh-Taylor Smith is a 22 yrs Virginia native who moved to Manhattan after losing some beauty contests in Virginia, for two consecutive years. Within a year in New York, she was crowned “Miss Brooklyn” last February. And yesterday, she won the State Crown for “Miss New York.” Not too bad for perhaps a village girl who relocated to NY last year. She’s vowed her next win would be Miss U.S.A, a title held by another small town girl, Tara Conner from Kentucky.

As this fate unfolded, many Virginians are proud of her. So exited they are that a major news headline in Virginia exclaimed: She’s from here!! She’s from here!!! Yeah right! losers; after you dumped her? But Ms Smith might not be getting too much love from many New Yorkers. There has been some residency issue since she won Miss Brooklyn. Luckily, she’s not an illegal alien; otherwise, some people could have asked for her deportation right away. Brooklynites had legitimate reason to beef on this. Why would they swallow the fact that someone who lives in Manhattan, another borough, and for less than a year could take away their crown just like that?  At the time, Ms. Smith couldn’t understand what the ado and hatred is all about. She once said: “I can’t believe all the ‘controversy’ of me taking the title back to Manhattan, I really didn’t expect it.” She told a Brooklyn news outlet.

The Brooklyn organizers came to her defense and issued a statement that they allowed outsiders to participate because there wasn’t enough interested candidates from Brooklyn. – OK, that is a lame excuse for the birds because I have seen better looking women in Brooklyn. – So what happened that this same lady went on to win the State title? Here is another reason from an executive of the New York pageant: “contestants must meet one of three prerequisites constructed by the Miss America Association: have permanent residency, be a full-time student or a full-time employee.”

That said, so out of sixteen contestants across the state of New York, there weren’t enough beautiful chicks? Or could we say because of the huge population here, native NY beauties have melted in the crowd that only  out-of-state hottie would stand out of many heads? Are we really looking closely enough? In my view, these successful non-NYKers (girls) have unparallel swagger that beats most NY beauties hands down. So, the judges must have been impressed by the girl’s attitude – that alone can make any lady stand out from a “sea of beauties.”

Hence, it’s no surprise that some city politicians, such as Anthony Weiner, want to enact laws that would allow easy flow of foreign beauties into New York show/fashion industry.  My advice to New York gals is: Polish Your Swagger!! Notwithstanding, I still love my NY girls; they are fun to be with and I wouldn’t trade them for some beautiful “country pumpkins.”

Quote of the day:
“Opportunity often comes disguised in the form of misfortune, or temporary defeat.” — –Napoleon Hill

Jesse Jackson called Black People ‘N*gg#rs’

17 07 2008

There is even worst language used by Rev. Jesse Jackson on Fox News that didn’t come out last week. Bill O’ Reilly now confirmed in another Fox show, yesterday, that Jackson called his own people n*ggers but the initial TV segment was filtered out. Here is what Jackson said: “Barack…is talking down to black people…telling the n*ggers how to behave.. I wanna cut his guts out.”

And according to TVNewser, O’Reilly said the reason why he did not want that part to surface is because: “I’m not in the business of hurting Jesse Jackson. And I’m not in the business of creating some kind of controversy that is not relevant to the general subject: one civil rights leader disparaging another, over policy. So we held it back [but] some weasel leaked it to the internet. That person wants to hurt Jesse Jackson.”

Oh! really, O’Reilly? This world would eventually be a better place if venomous Bill O’ Reilly can talk like that.

Initially, I think the language Jackson used about “guts” is not really a big deal; because this was a guy-to-guy talk. Men, no matter what background, use slangs, jargons and stuff like that when in the mist of their peers. It’s all bravado. However, such language shouldn’t be coming up from someone who wears a ‘clergy title’ on his sleeves.

How much more for Jesse to use racial slurs against the very people he claims to fight for. Isn’t the same Jackson, who advocated banning ‘N’ word, way before Rev Al Sharpton followed suit? Apparently, this isn’t going to be a race issue, but immoral, because Jackson is no Don Imus. So, Rev Al Sharpton should sharpen his rhetoric impartially against his long-time ally: he should start picketing at the Rainbow Coalition Headquarter, as a matter of cause.

BTW, Jesse Jackson had a legitimate reason [but another immoral issue] to vex as Obama teaches responsibility because, if you don’t know, Jackson had a “lovechild” out of wedlock with his assistant, Karin Stanford, Thus that make him absenteeism or partly irresponsible father. So, it is understandable why Obama’s speech hit some core. It was never about Jackson being jealousy of Barack Obama as widely buzzed.


There are always those who think they know what is your responsibility better than you do.” —-Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Rank does not confer privilege or give power. It imposes responsibility.” ——Louis Armstrong

Sex Bust: Principal Threesomed with 2 Men

16 07 2008

It’s all men affair. They were busted butt-naked while having 3-way sex on the grass. But one of them called Jim managed to escape the cops, still completely naked though. This really caught most Greenburgh residents by surprise because one of these men is a well respected Principal (photo inset) of a Roman Catholic School, Sacred Heart in Mount Vernon; and a married father of three – he is 41 yrs old Gabriel De Jesus. Jesus!!! Can you believe that? Unfortunately, the principal is losing his 6-figure$ job over this. The third man is Francesco Autera, 31, who works in finance. As reported the men met online @ and Jim the ‘facilitator’ is being hunted by the police. What a coincident?

This incident begs the question: aren’t these men using their gumption? These are respected men with good jobs who can afford the best hotel rooms in town; instead they chose to get low under a backyard tree, like squirrels. Undoubtedly, public obscenity is becoming an epidemic nowadays. It is not uncommon to see people having sex in cars, in the parks, and sooner or later we’d see folks getting low right on curbs in broad daylight. What come to mind are some public figures such as singer George Michael and Republican senator Larry Craig who were caught, in the past, for soliciting men for sex in public locations.

Yes, it’s summertime in New York area, weather is hot, and horny folks might be tempted to get low under the sun or moon. But here is one good advice from Rebecca Baker of “If you’re going to have group-sex, don’t do it outside.”…. You heard !! Take your ass indoor!

Quote of the day:

“Obscenity is whatever arouses or gives the Judge an erection.”—– Unknown

Obama & Wife Labeled as Terrorists

14 07 2008

With portrait of Osama Bin Laden in the Oval office, American flag is roasting in the fire place, Michelle Obama with AK-47 rifle on back and the presumptuous president Barack Obama wearing Taliban attire shown fist-japing each other. This is a portrayal of the Obamas by New Yorker Magazine and some people think it ain’t funny.

This is the kind of joke that one would expect from Fox News. or Conservative National Reviews. But on New Yorker ? C’mon.. that’s not what the magazine is all about. It’s like a slap on face for the mag’s subscribers who are predominantly Democrats. There are probably cartoons like this went unnoticed daily in many media outlets; but it is off mark for a major magazine to use such satiric picture as its issue cover.

Although the New Yorker’s editor, David Remnick, views the picture as sarcasm, tagged “Politics of Fear.” But Obama supporters are fuming and it was reported that “John McCain’s campaign joined the Obamanians in protesting: “We [McCain camp] completely agree with Obama campaign that it’s tasteless and offensive.” Personally, I think that is very kind of McCain’ people to condemn such portrayal.

Even though I am  not rooting for Obama , I found it disturbing to portray his wife in terrorist imagery. New Yorker is a respected and one of my favorite magazines. I am disappointed by this image of distortions.  Actually the magazine was sort of rooting for Obama before and now he is being tagged as a flip-flopper, which might be true but not with a pic that gives reciprocal effect on the real story. BTW, this  is not the first time the magazine pull this kind of satire; few years ago, its cover portrayed Monica Lewinsky as Mona Lisa.

Quote of the day:

“Hypocrisy and distortion are passing currents under the name of religion” —- Gandhi

A Prostitute Notoriety & Her Very Proud Mother

12 07 2008

“Like mother like daughter!” As if the nude pictures of her daughter circulating over the internet isn’t enough, Carolyn Capalbo had been seen couple of times, since the sex scandal, exposing her own body [too] in public domain. Apparently, she is displaying herself for would-be johns for hire.

The most recent “ass-display” was in Atlantic City. Hooker Ashley Dupre (left inset), who brought down former governor of New York, was spotted with her  very proud mother (right inset) almost butt-naked [creating traffic jam?].  In NY Post, the mother was bragging to a reporter that her daughter is heading to LA [for a TV contract]. Meaning one bad girl is rising to stardom at another man’s peril; and the parent is showing off her slut-child’s ill-gotten accomplishment.

The nature of her cable show is being compared to Tila Tequila’s, which I think is absurd, an unfair media analysis because, unlike Ashley, Tila is no whore in any sense. Any TV show from Ashley Dupre, if any thing, would be an ill of the society. What other skill does she have other than getting laid for dough. Her show probably would teach teenage girls how not to go college and make money by sleeping around with men. In essence, it is like telling girls it’s okay to be streetwalkers and famous for it. Is this world really fair? While many ladies go to school and work hard to be somebody, here is media, MTV, and some hungry productions such as Handprint Entertainment reward an infamous call-girl with a TV contract? It’s sickening, really.

The wish of every parent is for his or her child to grow, get a decent career, and live a responsible life. No one wants his/her offspring to be famous for prostitution, at least not publicly. But for Carolyn Capalbo, she appears to love every bit of it: she’s been using every minute of her daughter’s fame. She claims how good and sweet her daughter is. Despite the notoriety, her little girl is still an angel who can never be blamed for engaging in “sex for pay.”

The issues here is Ashley Dupre lost her $4 K per night job – clearly grounded with no stellar skills to get a standard job. Then she tried to sue GirlsGoneWild and parties for money, but to no avail. So in such situation, she would be desperate for money in order to maintain her lifestyle. And the best option is to turn her notorious fame into a cash cow. Of course, ‘mum’ would be happy since some bucks would surely pass on to her. We’d see how the show goes.

Quote of the day:

“I think it’s unfair that men put laws on a woman’s body, I think a woman has a right to choose with her own body. I mean, I don’t think prostitution is a career. But maybe [it is] a little steppingstone.” —- Heidi Fleiss

Latest Scoops On Ashley:

  1. Jersey Girl Charges “Ashley Dupre” with Identity Theft

A Woman’s Breast Bra Served As A Bat Nest

10 07 2008

It’s romantic when ladies, in general, feel exotic touches on their succulent breasts, especially from lovely men. But it could be a bizarre feeling when the touch comes from one of the ugliest animals on earth: a bat! According to BBC, that’s what happened to an hotel receptionist, Abbie Hawkins, who unknowingly accommodated a bat on breast for five hours before realizing it.

When she felt something vibrating in her bra, she thought it was her cell phone. As she later pulled it out, she got the shock of her life as a bat came out rearing its ugly head. She has no idea where the stranger came from or how it got into the warm comfort of her  “juicy double”. Nevertheless, Ms. Hawkins later said: “[eeh! it tickles..] I felt quite sorry for it. Perhaps I should have left it there and given it a good home.”

Really, the ‘baby bat’ must have been sucking milk from Ms Hawkins’ breast; and now she is having a maternal emotion for it – to keep as a baby. But unfortunately the bat flew away thinking no “hotel accommodation”. What a lost!!

Quote of the day:

“There is a passion for hunting something deeply implanted in woman breast.” —- Charles Dickens

Read Full Story

Serbian ‘Thug’ Can Only Hide So Far

5 07 2008

Breaking the law is always a losing proposition. Making it even worse is when people deliberately make wrong choices and think they would get away with it. For instance, I would imagine how dumb people are when they leave a scene of an accident. If stuff happens unintentionally and you run away from the scene that automatically make you a criminal, even if you are Mother Teresa.

Before I go deep into the main point, I’d mention this: Yesterday, I heard on CBS Radio that a boy was hit by a car in New York City. Luckily, the boy survived and the driver was never charged. Apparently, he wasn’t found guilty because he did not leave the scene of the accident: probably he showed remorse, and explained what happened to the authority. In similar situations that happened in the past, there are many drivers who are serving jail-term for leaving scene of accidents. Whereas, there is 90% chance that that those convicted drivers wouldn’t have been charged if they hadn’t run away – excluding D.W.I. cases (driving while intoxicated). Sometimes, I think it is ignorance of the law or simply cold-heartedness that makes people walk away when they should have stayed.

The aforementioned examples might seem a bit off but it is correlates to a recent bar brawl between two college male students over a girl, in Binghamton NY; and which has become a case of international man-hunt. While the victim, Bryan Steinhauer (right inset), is recovering at the hospital; the offender, Miladin Kovacevic (left inset), fled United States to his native land – jumped $100,000 bail. His parents, in Serbia, remain defiant claiming their son’s innocence and even admitted plotting his escape with the help of a Serbian Consul, Slobodan Nenodovic, in New York. The inset’s from NY Post with full caption: “[parents] Vow suspect in NY coma Kid’s beating won’t return to face justice amid U.S. ‘media circus’.” The parent are the ones who actually created media circus now that  they organized their son’s escape.  In another report, a relative, in New York, whom the culprit once lived with, bragged: “I know him, you (U.S.) will never find him.”

The irony of this matter is that the offender comes from a professional family – surgeon father & psychiatrist mother – who serve in Serbian justice system to crack criminal cases. And  helping  their  government to convict offenders. One would have thought parents of such caliber – knowing full implication of the law – would have advised their son to face U.S. justice, in defense. Resources and connection used for the escaped could have been well spent to hire good defense lawyers here in the U.S. It makes no calculative sense for any learned person, including the accomplice diplomat, to advise this thug to escape justice.

If this is an aggravated assault, which was what it appeared to be, the offender could get out of jail in less than 18 months- with good behavior.. Luckily, the victim did not die; otherwise it would have resulted to man-slaughter. But as it is now, Malidin would end up getting longer jail term for eluding justice. Or how can he have peace of mind while on the run? Sooner or later, this guy would wish he had stayed because it’s going to be too costly to him mentally and emotional drain on his family as long as he is being wanted. If Branka and Peter Kovacevic believe their son’s action was in self defense [as they claimed], why encouraged him to run away?

Well, if the Kovacevics think their Serbian government connection or kickbacks would prevent their son’s extradition, they still live in the world of Slobodan Milošević. No doubt, such corrupt mentality could work in places like Iran, Cuba, or North Korea.  It would even make it worst for the family when his picture hit “American Most Wanted.” With Interpol and FBI networks coupled with U.S. bilateral relation with Serbia, it’s only a matter of time before the thug gets extradited back to the United States for justice.


“The head never rules the heart, but just becomes it’s partner in crime.”—- Mignon McLaughlin

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Tommy & Pamela: A Disgusting Marriage Model

2 07 2008

Feminists would argue that “what’s good for the goose is good for  the gander.” But when it comes to women sexing around, that rule shouldn’t be applicable. It’s a serious moral issue, especially when kids are involved, but not for Pamela Anderson.

Celebrities, by default, are the most salacious animals of humankind – with their druggy and pornographic lifestyles available for public consumption. Who are you going to blame in this tabloidly paparazzi-infested society? Lewd exposure of stuff that should be private abounds every where. CelebX sleeping with celebY and celebXX doing it celebYZ. Who really cares about what horny celebrities are doing except that they overdo it under the magnifying lenses of media jackals.

Tommy Lee and Pamela Anderson’s marital-orgy is a ro-ro (roll-off, roll-on) which reignited again after years of divorce with back-to-back relationships with various sex partners. In the Rolling Stones Magazine, Lee said: “Pamela and the kids have moved in with me, it’s awesome, man. It’s definitely working. You can tell on the kids’ faces – they’re happy.” Of course, the kid would be happy. But that is not the full story behind the reunion, Mr. Lee. “We do it for the kids” is a cliché better saved for stuck-on stupid married couples. What would happen when the kids become adults and leave home. Break up again?

Lee-Anderson’s relationship exemplifies a real messed-up affair which has no moral value especially for their kids. Here is a lady who, during her first divorce, got involve with five men (there could be more), married two of them and divorced in sequence. Now she is back with her first beau. Her “tasted Johns” include estate developer Laurence Hallier, actor Stephen Dorff,  model Marcus Schenkenberg, singer Kid Rock, and Rick Salomon whose only major accomplishment is the porno tape he co-starred with Paris Hilton. I doubt if Tommy Lee had much luck in getting laid as his wife during the course of their break-up.

If there is any pain for a man in Tommy Lee’s situation, it is psychological. Men are neither wired like women nor could stand their women being banged by other men. Making it worse for Lee, Pamela’s sexcapes were well publicized. It would have boosted the man’s pride or overlooked if she did her thing privately. Tommy Lee really looks like a wimp right now. It is like saying is okay for married couples to divorce, sleep around with various partners for few years and then renew their marriage again.

Apparently despite his rock-star status, Tommy Lee is not a man of sexual ego or prowess. It’s no surprise that Pamela once said she is yet to meet a man who had it all sexually. Physically, Pamela Anderson hasn’t been all that dented with her free-for-all sex galore. But mentally, Tommy Lee would have to deal the s#*t she brought from ex-flames. She could say she carries nothing over from these men, but on a man’s mind it would be there.

It is this type of thought that wouldn’t let most men take back adulterous women. How can I knowingly take back a woman who has been decked – not by one motherf*rk@r but many? Please…there are “plenty of fish” – fresh ones: legally blondes with naturally endowed breasts, including virgins.



”Women react differently: a French woman who sees herself betrayed by her husband will kill his mistress; an Italian will kill her husband; a Spaniard will kill both; and a German will kill herself.”—Bernard Fontenelle

Ice T hit Soulja Boy: State of Rap not in ‘Ice Age’

26 06 2008

Isn’t it dumb for legendary Ice T, 49, who built a solid reputation in two decades, to ignite flames that could melt him? Or is Ice (T) too cold lately (being a retired rapper) that he thinks the best way to heat-up is to start a brawl with a hot rapper, Soulja Boy, 17? In what appeared to be (another) brewing rap-war between generational-gapped rappers: ‘old school’ Ice T accused ‘new school’ Soulja Boy of single-handedly killed hip-hop – in reference to Soulja Boy’s super-man lyric which Ice T dismissed as garbage. And then he told the boy to “eat a dick.” In entertainment industry where beefing between rappers has become a means to huge record sales, one who have thought that rivalry with fresh-face Soulja Boy would come from some new generation rappers but iconic rapper like Ice T.

No doubt, Ice T got it made even before Soulja Boy was born. And he (Ice T) bragged he is not looking for money – because he has all the money he could make. True, his success can not be disputed with eight albums and over thirty films under his belt; he is surely a force to reckon with in entertainment world. But it’s a colossal error for him to dis a rising artist like Soulja Boy. Among many reasons why “Ice” shouldn’t have melted so low are:

  • The two rappers are generations apart – 32 years difference is no joke. What worked in hip-hop during Ice T’s music career peak [hip-hop’s “Ice Age”] does not work nowadays, and vice versa.
  • Ice T should have been a mentor to the boy. Why not call the teenager and give advice instead of ranting him out publicly on YouTube.
  • For the fact that Soulja Boy was nominated for 2008 Grammy, Ice T, a music vet, should have known better the kid’s s#*t is tight – i.e. Soulja has huge following, at least among the youths, which could solidify him as a future mainstream rapper.
  • Ironically, Ice T is like “a ‘pot’ calling ‘kettle’ black.” Throwback, he helped pioneer raunchy lyrics mixed with gangster rap that glorify guns violent and degrade women. So on moral ground, little Soulja Boy beats Ice T.

The reasons list could go on. My view does not mean I am a fan of Soulja Boy, as I am too old for his lyric. Needless to say, I have Ice T’s music collection but none of Soulja Boy’s. I’m analyzing from Ice T fan’s standpoint which I am, but no too deeply. Ice T, a retired rapper who is now a full-time Hollywood actor should know that there would always be audience for any kind of music: good, shitty, cheesy or whatever. Music entertainment is a big pie, so to speak; and creative artists would always get their bites. Saying one rapper killed hip-hop is an understatement. Soulja Boy re-innovates hip-hop to his own style; otherwise his music wouldn’t be exploding. Word up!!


“He who lives by fighting with an enemy has an interest in the preservation of the enemy’s life.” —-Friedrich Nietzsche

Why Didn’t We Think of this Invention

20 06 2008

An in-law asked me “why didn’t we think of this?” while sending me some images of new inventions created by regular folks like you and I. Therefore, I think it’s a good idea to talk about ideas.

Inventions and creativity seem elusive to many people. But they don’t have to be like that. Most human inventions are not anywhere near the realm of geeky lab coat-wearing scientists or engineering physicists. Ideas that lead to invention come in various shades and forms, most of which are no space-rocket science. Nevertheless, what come to most people mind when they hear the word “invention” are great geniuses like Al Einstein, Con Edison, and Henry Ford; whereas an unlikely or ordinary person may have inventor-abilities if given necessarily tools and motivation.

Many non-living things we see around us were created as a result of average people’s concept – i.e. common Joes and Janes. You might be one of those people who knock themselves on the head for not acting when they had that eureka!! after you see the same thought-of concept implemented by a go-getter. Then all you can say is: “I should have [could have, would have] done that.” Yes, we have such regret sometimes because we never follow our gut feelings, or we simply let some non-thinking loser(s) discourage us that it is not possible.

Contrary to popular beliefs, you don’t actually have to produce any product to make money out of your creativity. According to Harvey Reese, the author of the book “How To License Your Million Dollar Idea,” there are ways in which one could execute ideas without putting his or her hard-earned money into them. Reese indicates: let the deep pocket manufacturers spent their money to make your licensed idea into fruition. In other words, you make a percentage on each of your idea-product sold. And he warns to stay away from the so-called “invention companies.”

Personally, I can relate to invention companies scam. How I wish I had his book before forking about $1000 to a company called InventHelp on W 34th St, NYC. This company never live to his name-slogan. The only thing I got for my buck is a glossy hard-cover invention presentation, which is now gathering dust on my book shelf.

So if you have cool ideas you want to turn into inventions. You might want to do some research at the following links:

These could save you money instead of rushing to a patent lawyer. In the meantime, you can also save money by filing for a “provisional” [temporary] patent while you research the viability of your idea. Provisional patent can be filed with the Patent Office. Browsing these links would be a good starting point for would-be inventors. The site provide important information and hints on inventions. It is always imperative peruse independent sources, less you fall victim of unscrupulous invention companies which advertise in the media.

The images below are inventions of individuals who are proactive enough to take their concepts to the next level.


“Ideas are everywhere. It’s execution of good ideas – not the ideas themselves – that makes for successful businesses.” —— Kelly Spors

Invention Facts and Myths –

Mr. Gizmo

Will They Buy It

60 Seconds with Tony Robbins

Think U’re Fat? Check this out: Big-bone and Sexy!

18 06 2008

If you feel insecure about the your “extra poundage” you may need to reconsider. I just received pix from someone who simply said: “I will never complain about my thighs again as long as I live…” Well, I think there are too much ado about people being overweight. Who cares! as long as the person affected feels good about him or herself. In fact, some of the happiest and most bubbling people I’ve ever known are fat; and my sister is one of them. She is the only fat person in the family and the most fascinating one. She loves to party and her gorgeous attires usually make her the envy of so-called slim-girls. Although, my sister is not as big as the lady in the pictures, but she reminds me of her outgoing personality. She would grab the mic at any opportunity and make her self the center of attraction.

For all ‘thick’ ladies, the point here is that: there are some circumstances in life that you might not be able to control. No one can judge you based on your weight or your appearance, without your permission. If people see being fat as your weakness, you owe it to yourself to prove them wrong. That is, turn what they see as weakness into your greatest strength. However, if being heavy compromises your health, I would suggest you shed that kilo. If there is no eminent risk, tell the naysayers to ‘take a hike’ and enjoy your blessed self – it’s God-given. If Monique can build her brand around “thick madam,” why can’t you?


“He who trims himself to suit everyone will soon whittle himself away.” —–Raymond Hull

How To Tell Your Girlfriend She’s Fat

Fathers Forget: Message to All Dads

15 06 2008

Happy Fathers’ Day! to all men out there. It does not matter if you are good dad, deadbeat father, or you don’t have kid(s) at all. The piece I am about to present applies to everyone. Since today is Fathers’ Day, I wouldn’t like men-bashing here today. Today is well-deserved for all loving fathers. Since I am a father of a beautiful daughter, I know what it takes to be parent. The main message here is: we all need to show humility and not to take our loved-ones for granted. I couldn’t think of a better way to express this message other than referred to Dale Carnegie’s classic book, “How to win Friends and Influence People.” A book I discerned three years ago. Among many timeless hints and references in the book, an essay by Livingston Larned entitled “Father Forgets” is a must-read for every father or aspiring parents. So inspiring is the essay content that I actually recommended it to my friends. Here is how it goes:


Father Forgets
W. Livingston Larned

Listen, son: I am saying this as you lies asleep, one little paw crumpled under your cheek and the blond curls stickily wet on your damp forehead. I have stolen into your room alone. Just a few minutes ago, as I sat reading my paper in the library, a stifling wave of remorse swept over me. Guiltily I came to your bedside.


There are the things I was thinking, son: I had been cross to you. I scolded you as you were dressing for school because you gave your face merely a dab with a towel. I took you to task for not cleaning your shoes. I called out angrily when you threw some of your things on the floor.
At breakfast I found fault, too. You spilled things. You gulped down your food. You put your elbows on the table. You spread butter too thick on your bread. And as you started off to play and I made for my train, you turned and waved a hand and called, “Goodbye, Daddy!” and I frowned, and said in reply, “Hold your shoulders back!”
Then it began all over again in the late afternoon. As I came up the road I spied you, down on your knees, playing marbles. There were holes in your stockings. I humiliated you before your boyfriends by marching you ahead of me to the house. Stockings were expensive-and if you had to buy them you would be more careful! Imagine that, son, from a father!
Do you remember, later, when I was reading in the library, how you came in timidly, with a sort of hurt look in your eyes? When I glanced up over my paper, impatient at the interruption, you hesitated at the door. “What is it you want?” I snapped.
You said nothing, but ran across in one tempestuous plunge, and threw your arms around my neck and kissed me, and your small arms tightened with an affection that God had set blooming in your heart and which even neglect could not wither. And then you were gone, pattering up the stairs.
Well, son, it was shortly afterwards that my paper slipped from my hands and a terrible sickening fear came over me. What has habit been doing to me? The habit of finding fault, of reprimanding-this was my reward to you for being a boy. It was not that I did not love you; it was that I expected too much of youth. I was measuring you by the yardstick of my own years.
And there was so much that was good and fine and true in your character. The little heart of you was as big as the dawn itself over the wide hills. This was shown by your spontaneous impulse to rush in and kiss me good night. Nothing else matters tonight, son. I have come to your bedside in the darkness, and I have knelt there, ashamed!
It is feeble atonement; I know you would not understand these things if I told them to you during your waking hours. But tomorrow I will be a real daddy! I will chum with you, and suffer when you suffer, and laugh when you laugh. I will bite my tongue when impatient words come. I will keep saying as if it were a ritual: “He is nothing but a boy-a little boy!”
I am afraid I have visualized you as a man. Yet as I see you now, son, crumpled and weary in your cot, I see that you are still a baby. Yesterday you were in your mother’s arms, your head on her shoulder. I have asked too much, too much.

I hope you all enjoy the Fathers’ Day. I can’t wait to go out with my daughter.

Did you ever wonder about the origin of Father’s Day? Read This >>

How To Get Rich: Felix Dennis’ Way

12 06 2008

There are probably thousands of advices on how to get rich in life or how to succeed in,business. While some advice can be very useful or dumb-stupid, many are nothing but get rich-quick scheme for the suckers. I have heard them all. But I always get a kick out of advice I consider to be super-prudent with no emotion attached. Those are the ones I just came across in The Wall Street Journal’s business bookshelf.

A topic in the journal, “Maximizing Money” features a book entitled “How to Get Rich” by Felix Dennis who is one of the richest men in England – worth b/w $400 – $900 million. The book was fully reviewed by an accomplished editor, Edward Kosner, who summarized some of the sharpest and straight-up advices I have ever seen. Frankly, the author’s guides are knock-outs, and Mr.Kosner admits that the book is full of cold-hearted advice for succeeding in any field [of life]. According to Mr. Kosner, Felix Dennis tagged himself as anti-self improvement and believes that “those who are able to turn themselves into monomaniacal, workaholics estranged from loved ones and reviled by rivals can hope to hit the mega jackpot.” Felix Dennis’ must-have essentials for success are:

  • Stamina
  • Persistence
  • Focus
  • Execution

And he added “If you never have a great idea in your life but become skilled in executing the great ideas of others, you can succeed beyond your wildest dreams.”

I couldn’t agree more with that statement, as CEOs [the corporate fat-cats] come to my mind. CEO = Chief Executive Officer. Most CEOs never created any idea in their life. All they do is manage, combine, and execute other people’s ideas or innovations. As a result, they make (a killing) million$ at creative individuals’ expense.

The following are summarized advices from the book as presented by Mr. Kosner, followed by my take on each:

1.      “Never Part with even a share of business you founded, although partnership in new ventures are acceptable because you can walk away from them.” This sounds like a “founding-father syndrome” to me. No wonder Jerry Yang of Yahoo! Rebuffed Microsoft’s takeover attempt.


2.      “Give generous bonuses to your employees, but don’t let them share the money from asset sale.” Yeah right! Whatever happens to the cliché: ‘our employees are our greatest asset.’


3.      “Don’t hand out company’s credit cards, cell phones or cars – the expenses run riot.” Who cares? Are those not business expenses and tax deductible? And if civil servants are getting these perks, so can private sector employees. No wonder most people don’t quit Government jobs.


4.      “Never delegate authority top people just like you – find a complimentary brain instead.” Sometimes’ you have to. In case some thing like sickness happens. One famous example is Michael Eisner, former Disney CEO, who did not appoint a replace during a health problem. The whole company almost disorganized as a result of his absence.


5.      “Avoid venture capitalists with their mania for short-term results.” This is synonymous to proxy battle like one staged by activist investor, Carl Icahn aka “corporate raider.” A case in point: he threatened to kick Jerry Yang, Yahoo!’ founder, out of the company’s board.


6.      “Never loan money to friends – make it a gift.” This is analogous to ‘don’t loan family members or friends money you can not afford to lose.


7.      And here is my favorite: “Never trust a senior accountant who won’t take a vacation (because he is afraid that his thievery will be uncovered while he is away from office.)” The solution is simple: Hire external auditor(s) on annual basis.

I can’t wait to dissect the whole book before digesting the contents. The book would be a good read for those want to succeed where others failed. Sometimes, one has to use unconventional tactic to archive his/her goal in life. And the hints in this book could help fulfill that. – Felix Dennis Video below

Quotes of the day:

“You’ll never get rich by working for your boss.” —- Felix Dennis

”If this does not make you rich, nothing ever will.” —–Mail on Sunday

Cameron Diaz, P Diddy: ‘D’ Beauty playing with ‘D’ Beast

9 06 2008

This past week, the Media buzzed about Cameron Diaz’s latest companion who happened to be a ‘playa’ we all know too well. The dude born “Sean Combs” aka “Puff Daddy” aka “Bad Boy” aka “P. Diddy” aka “Sean John” aka what next…? – Phew!!! I’m having headache here. If a guy can have numerous aliases in his life time, then you need to wonder who this guy really is or just conclude that he is man of different characters.

Consequently, it would only be logical for someone like Diddy to thrive on varieties. Some people would say: So what? “Variety is the spice of life.” But variety could be a self-centered and exploitation behavior of seducing women, especially when a music mogul like P.Diddy is involved. Borrowing wisdom from John McCain’s book, “Character is Destiny,” It could be better said that “Character is Integrity.” Undoubtedly, P. Diddy must have gotten integrity in his business dealings otherwise he wouldn’t have been so successful. However, he has “zero integrity” as far as “love deals” are concerned.

Throwback, P. Diddy and his cohort, the late Notorious B.I.G. aka Biggie, had lifestyle patterns of being circled by groupies [2 smartest-ass groupies of such encounters are Lil Kim and Faith Evan; both of whom made it big; thanks to Biggie]. Just as B.I.G. was allegedly dating the two aforementioned ladies simultaneously, he had a baby-mama which some claimed to be his common law wife.

This same approach has been a norm for P. Diddy who fathered two children from two different women [ex groupies? Possibly!], while having affair with Jennifer Lopez (J. Lo). When J. Lo became bygone, the Bad Boy was back cripping with one of his baby-mamas, Kim Porter. Two more babies, he was out on the street again looking for more lame chicks. Since his newest babies were born, there has been many reports of him romancing some ‘white chicks’ on the French Riviera and God knows where else… It was also buzzed that there are other faceless jump-offs includes his protégé turned singer, Cassie. And the most recent hi-profile babe attempt before Diaz was Eddie Murphy’s quickie wife, Tracey Edmonds.

Therefore, how in this world could Cameron Diaz hook with P. Diddy? If nothing else, the Bad Boy appellation is enough to make any woman [in her right sense] to run for the hills. If the Diddy-Diaz love-affair materializes, it could be the same old factors of ‘money’ and ‘power’ which can draw even A-listers women to suboptimal men. P. Diddy is what he is. Old habits of womanizing don’t die easily, and many times they never did. In my view, P. Diddy is not slowing down anytime soon in his escapades. He is out to taste very “woman race” on the surface of this planet. He had black Latino, and white chicks. It is only a matter of time before he goes hunting for some ‘Asian’ and ‘Eskimos’ chicks.

As for Cameron Diaz, the best way not to have a broken heart is not to expect anything much from a “rolling stone” like P. Diddy. Hey Cameron, “they say half bread is better than none.” So have fun baby, while it lasted and dust off your skirt when it is over; pretend as if it never happened.


“Success and failure are both difficult to endure. Along with success come drugs, divorce, sex, lies, bullying, depression, and suicide. With failure comes failure.” —— Joseph Heller quotes